For over a decade Telephone Technology Integration, LLC has been serving businesses around the US and right in our own backyard.
Don't let the Crossroads give you the blues, call us today and we will help get you on the right path.
What's right for your business
Cloud or a Premise Based System?
Business Phone Systems, Cloud Systems, Hosted Systems and VoIP. Servicing Philadelphia, Cherry Hill NJ and Mount Laurel NJ
It’s time to invest in a new phone system but you're standing at the crossroads
Plug n Play
Cloud System or Hosted Phone System cost about 50% less our of pocket hardware cost. The flexibility you get with a Cloud System doesn't even compare to an Premise Based Phone System. Cloud Systems are designed for your team to work anywhere, take advantage of features that in the past only Enterprise businesses could afford and never have to worry about the cost to upgrade your phone system or replace parts in your phone system that could be costly.
Premise Based System
When you own a Premise Based Phone System you own the system and control the cost. Though you are limited in features the nice thing about On-Prem Phone System or a PBX is you can integrate the lines with older cable and SIP Trunks. This saves you money if you find yourself forced to upgrade your Data Network with a hosted system. SIP Trunks is a real money saver over POTS lines, T1 Lines and Hosted System. With a Hosted system you pay per seat. With SIP Trunks you can purchase the number of lines you feel you need an pay less in your monthly line cost.
Be sure to visit our new website blog page to learn more about benefits of Premised Based Phone System.